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NGS Analysis Service


NGS services  are a fast and cost effective analytical method for sequencing the genomic DNA from various living organisms including animal, plant, bacterium, etc.

NGS uses high throughput sequencing methods which divide large DNA molecules into many pieces, enabling hundreds of millions of DNA molecules to be sequenced at once.

Service Process

Using the linked lodistics network, samples prepared from laboratories across the country are quickly and safety transferred to the Analytical Technique Reserch Lab and a sample transport service is provided so that NGS analysis can proceed without a hitch.

In particular, in the case of provinces, it is a principle to transport the samples on the same day for the stability of the samples.

(Preperation and collection of samples in the morning, arriving at the Analytical Technique Reseerch Lab in the afternoon)




Metagenome Sequencing

16S rRNA amplicon sequencing

This sequencing is a microbiome analysis method that estimates the type of microbal community through variable region sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, arepresentative biomarker of all microbes. (Genus level Analysis)


Shotgun metagenome sequencing

This sequencing is a microbiome analysis method that performs sequencing of all genomic DNA(metagenome) isolated in a specific environment.

By analyzing a vast amount of genetic information, it is possible to check not only the composition information of microorganisms but also their genes. (Species level Analysis)



 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing

Shotgun metagenome sequencing 

 Platform format

 Illumina MiSeq,2x300

 Illumina NextSeq2000, 2x150





Whole-Genome Sequencing

Bacterial genome sequencing

This sequencing reveals the full-length genome sequence information of bacteria and can predict the location and function of genes in the genome.

In addition, further analysis, such as comparative genomic analysis, can reveal the biological characteristics of each microorganism in great detail.


- De-novo sequencing : Analysis used to establish a genome by analyzing the base sequence of life that has not yet been detoxified by NGS

- Re-sequencing : Analysis used to uncover variations in a particular genome, such as SNPs, in a particular genome by analyzing the various genomes of specices that have already been completed and comparing the sequences with reference sequences.


Hybrid whole genome sequencing

The Illumina & ONT platform is used simultaneously to perform complete genome sequencing of the same quality as the previously commercially available long read sequencer at an affordable price.


 Data Generation

 Short-Read Sequencing

 Long-Read Sequencing

 Platform format

 Illumina MiSeq, 2x300

 ONT GridlON


Transcriptome Sequencing

Bacterial gene expression profiling

This is a gene expression analysis method that extracts mRNAs expressed under certain conditionds and analyzes only thier base sequence.

It finds out the genetic information of the bacteria activated at a specific moment, quantifies it, and analyzes it structurally/functionally to determine which genes are more or less expressed.



 mRNA Sequencing

 Total RNA Sequencing




 Library type

 Truseq Standard mRNA Library

Truseq Standard Total RNA Library

(with Ribo-zero)